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introversion Meaning in Bengali




introversion শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

দারিদ্র্য দেখায়, আত্মনিয়ন্ত্রণে অকার্যকর শিল্পীর নকশা, আত্মশক্তির মুখবিকৃত অন্তর্মুখিতা অথবা আকস্মিক এর অব্যক্ত জিনিসে বিদ্রোহের ঝলকানি, অথবা এর সবগুলোই ঘটে ।

introversion's Usage Examples:

extraversion (or extroversion) and introversion are a central dimension in some human personality theories.

The terms introversion and extraversion were introduced.

According to trait theories, introversion and extraversion are part of a continuous dimension, with many people.

The test attempts to assign four categories: introversion or extraversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, judging or.

Cortical arousal is associated with introversion–extraversion differences, with high arousal associated with introversion.

However, introversion is a personal preference, while shyness stems.

actually enjoy social interactions with people but display a degree of introversion which leads them to seek out time alone.

delineated the following nine characteristics of the schizoid personality: introversion, withdrawnness, narcissism, self-sufficiency, a sense of superiority.

" It is grave in mood and suggests seriousness, introversion and devotional attitude.

independently and prefers to do things on their own, prefers solitude, expresses introversion, or works alone.

It deals with the teenage Brown's introversion and difficulty talking to others, especially members of the opposite.

"extrovert ideal" dominates and introversion is viewed as inferior or even pathological.

Adopting scientific definitions of introversion and extroversion as preferences.


unsociableness; internality; inwardness; introversive; unsociability; introvertive;


extroversive; ambiversion; outwardness; ambiversive; sociability; extraversion;

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