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juicers Meaning in Bengali

একজন ব্যক্তি যিনি মদ্যপ পানীয় (বিশেষ করে বাড়তি পান করে

juicers's Usage Examples:

Some types of juicers can also function as a food processor.

Most of the twin gear and horizontal masticating juicers have attachments for crushing.

Dead, Food Matters, and Hungry for Change have increased the sales of juicers.

appliances; in Russia particularly, its share of the Russian market of home juicers in 2009 was estimated at 30-40%.

Some juicers use technology that helps delay oxidation which can allow for slightly.

juicers's Meaning':

a person who drinks alcoholic beverages (especially to excess


reamer; juice reamer; squeezer;


depress; sober; unexcited; juvenile;

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