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kilted Meaning in Bengali

 কোঁচানো, কুঁচি ফেলা,


কুঁচি-ফেলা, কোঁচানো,

kilted শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

পালোভ (প্লোভ বা ওশ বা "পিলাফ"), একটি প্রধান খাবার যা চাল, টুকরা মাংস, কোঁচানো গাজর এবং পেঁয়াজ দিয়ে তৈরি করা হয় ।

কিছু লেখক যেমন- হেদার স্ট্রিটস তর্ক করেন- বন্দক দ্বারা কোঁচানো স্কটস, কুকরি -গুর্খাদের এবং পাগড়িতে অসংখ্য শিখদের ছবিগুলোর মাধ্যমে সামরিক ।

kilted's Usage Examples:

including "wrapped sausages", "pigs in skins" and in Scotland, "kilted sausages" or "kilted soldiers".

a kilted infantryman looking towards Castle Rock.

Behind the main statue is a frieze showing queues of men answering the call by following a kilted pipe.

Laurel as Philip, a young Scot newly arrived in the United States, in full kilted splendor, suffering mishaps involving the kilt.

In 1931 they became the only kilted Irish Regiment in the world with the adoption of their unique tartan often.

Again many of the dancers were kilted, and the King was excited by the reels and strathspeys.

initially kitted with a green Glengarry, trews and scarlet doublet, but became kilted in 1935.

A kilted male figure in a boxing stance, legs bent, weight on the front leg, rear.

Contemporary caricature of the kilted King George IV.

The festival features kilted professional and amateur Highland Games athletes competing for victory tossing.

fiction have been influential in creating the popular image of Scots as kilted Highlanders, noted for their military prowess, bagpipes, rustic kailyard.

The loafer got kilted in.

Highland dress and traditions for one de-kilted regiment.

The regiment chosen was the most senior of the de-kilted regiments, the 72nd.

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