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kindest Meaning in Bengali

 সদয়, দয়াশীল, স্নেহশীল, দয়াময়, সদাশয়, বিনীত, সাধু, যত্নশীল, দয়াবান্, অনুগ্রাহক, অনুগ্রাহী, অমায়িক, প্রীতিকর, রমণীয়, শুভ, শিষ্ট, মনোরম, মনোযোগী, মনোহর, পরোপকারী, সৌজন্যসূচক, কোমলচিত্ত,


জ্ঞাতিবর্গ, বংশ, জাতি, প্রজাতি, জাত, প্রণালী, টাইপ, রকম, প্রকার,


প্রীতিকর, শিষ্ট, বিনীত, শুভ, সাধু, স্নেহশীল, রমণীয়, যত্নশীল, অমায়িক, অনুগ্রাহী, অনুগ্রাহক, দয়াময়, দয়াবান্, দয়াশীল, সদাশয়, সদয়,

kindest's Usage Examples:

Upon our princely Isle May kindest fortune smile In coming years; Peace and prosperity In all her borders.

"the most modest man I ever had the good luck to climb with" and "the kindest and most selfless partner I ever had.

"Good cricket was a crusade for one of the game's kindest men" wrote the cricket correspondent, Colin Bateman, about Gover's long-standing.

Maurice Healy however adds that he was a fairly good lawyer and the kindest-hearted of men; in an era when many Irish judges, such as Hugh Holmes,.

picture of health", much to the delight of Walsh, who called him "the kindest, gentlest little horse" he had ever had the pleasure of meeting.

R," who "reserved his kindest comments for a cat.

His ambition is to be the kindest person in the world, which doesn't always go according to plan.

'Entirely approving of excursions for the working class, and with the kindest feelings towards the workmen of Messrs Marshall and Messrs Taylor and Wordsworth.

Her husband praised Dorothy as "the kindest of stepmothers" to his children by Jane.

According to his website, he wishes to make Japan the "strongest, kindest, and most interesting country in the world.

fortune of having the least irascible, the most just, the most devoted, and kindest of fathers.


flavor; antitype; species; brand; the like; type; colour; category; ilk; like; color; stripe; manner; style; model; flavour; variety; genre; description; make; art form; genus; the likes of; form; sort;


sharpness; straight; straightness; type; antitype;

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