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land settlement Meaning in Bengali

 ভূ পত্তন,

land settlement's Usage Examples:

Western Australian Land Company, which established the Australind land settlement project in 1841 under Marshall Clifton.

August 1 – Prince Rupert of the Rhine heads his first commission into land settlement in Ireland.

Richard Nagle writes the 'Coventry letter' to Tyrconnell attacking land settlement in Ireland.

town of Jerramungup was established in 1953 to support a war service land settlement project that was initiated in 1949.

But when his opposition to land settlement schemes became generally known in March 1919, the farmlands of Tong.

as a land settlement scheme and parceled out to the Indian indentured labourers in lieu of return passage to India, becoming a Land Settlement Scheme.


body; colonial; Plantation; outpost; colony; proprietary colony; frontier settlement;


activation; beginning; victory; defeat; middle;

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