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lash up Meaning in Bengali

 কোনোরকমে জোড়াতালি দিয়ে খাড়া করা যন্ত্রপাতি, কাঠামো ইঃ,


কোনোরকমে জোড়াতালি দিয়ে খাড়া করা যন্ত্রপাতি, কাঠামো ইঃ,

lash up's Usage Examples:

In the Royal Navy, "Reveille" was usually verbalised as: Wakey wakey, lash up and stow! To the U.

rocked early in the round, Moraes was able to get a takedown and quickly lash up a Triangle choke to defeat Josh Martin via submission in the first round.

General McChrystal's strategy included the lash up of special operations forces from the U.


arrangement; contrivance; temporary hookup; patch;


break; disjoin;

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