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last but not least Meaning in Bengali


কিন্তু শেষ না অন্তত,

last but not least's Usage Examples:

I was in company with, without them I wouldn't be here either and last but not least, all my brothers in Slipknot! Thank you all again!" Rhythm celebrated.

Grundtvig and, last but not least, Hans Christian Andersen, the proponent of the modern fairytale.

based in Italy; others have moved to USA, UK, Germany, Canada, and last but not least to Greece .

validity of pharmacokinetic models and assumptions, co-medications and, last but not least, clinical status of the patient (i.

of the Academy of Fine Arts and the Planetarium, a ship canal, and last but not least by the construction of the exhibition ground.

Alice Bultitude, the colourful Inspector Alphonse Chardalot and, last but not least, Toby the Sapient Pig.

twenty-seven commas, twenty-three apostrophes, seven hyphens and, last but not least, a single ! The task of producing an autogram is perplexing because.

divisions, regions, functions to drive performance improvement and, last but not least, expertise centers around the areas of Tax, Treasury, Internal Audit.

original point of view, is as keenly satirical as Shaw at his best, and, last but not least, amusing.


to the lowest degree;


most; inconsequence;

last but not least's Meaning in Other Sites