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last moment Meaning in Bengali

 কোনো গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ঘন্টার ঠিক ঠিক আগের মুহূর্ত বা ক্ষণ,

last moment's Usage Examples:

Tennis League but due to unavoidable circumstances they backed out at the last moment and eventually the Hyderabad Aces went on to replace them in the 2014.

innovative NDLC (note de la claviste), apt and witty comments inserted at the last moment by the typesetter.

planned to take place in Barcelona, Spain, but was cancelled at the last moment following the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War after the athletes had.

represent Tanzania in Miss Supranational pageant but withdrew at the last moment due to not being able to secure a Visa for Poland.

1920 Olympics with a Russian horse, but it had to be replaced in the last moment due to a leg injury.

Again, however, Botswana was forced to withdraw at the last moment, mere hours before the opening ceremony.

Japanese, due to the Chinese general, Zhu Xiang, rushing in troops at the last moment.

was widely expected that no other candidate would be nominated, at the last moment, a Conservative, Captain Stephen Moore, put himself forward.

join Ishida's cause and sent messages to Uesugi Kagekatsu, then, at the last moment, hesitated and made is if to join Tokugawa.

was a war story about a Q ship - some good stuff in it - but at the last moment, the head of the studio put a girl who'd never acted before in as the.

Silver Islet, hoping for comfort from Sara, only to reject her at the last moment.

The Eleventh Hour is a phrase meaning at the last moment, taken from a passage in the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard in the King James Bible.

lesion: often the patient sways wildly and nearly falls, recovering at the last moment.

funeral and are nearly killed by it; however, James Baxter arrives at the last moment and cheers the spirit up.

Holmes had only decided to enter the 800 metres at the last moment, and went on to also win gold in her preferred event, the 1500 m.


instant; moment of truth; culmination; time; pinpoint; minute; eleventh hour; psychological moment; last minute; point; climax; point in time; second;


cardinal; disagreement; former; start; antinode;

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