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last place Meaning in Bengali


শেষ জায়গা,

last place শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

২০১২ সালে এপ্রিল মাসে এই বিমান সংস্থাটি ষষ্ঠ এবং শেষ জায়গা থেকে উত্তীর্ণ হয়ে পঞ্চম স্থানে আসে ।

পেন্সিলভেনিয়ার একটি শহরের নাম এবং একটি স্মৃতিসৌধের নামকরণ করা হয়েছিল যেটি তার শেষ জায়গা ছিল এবং সেটা ছিল আইনি পদক্ষেপ এর বিষয় ছিল ।

last place's Usage Examples:

the Eurovision Song Contest 2021 with the song "Embers”, which came in last place with nul points.

Kingdom achieved their worst result to date, finishing twenty-sixth (last place) with no points.

(last place) Yoshio Yoshida (吉田 義男) 1999 6th (last place) Katsuya Nomura (野村 克也) 2000 6th (last place) Katsuya Nomura (野村 克也) 2001 6th (last place) Katsuya.

The UK has since finished in last place in 2008 with Andy Abraham (14 points), in 2010 with Josh Dubovie (10 points).

  The team received last place and was eliminated.

  The team did not receive last place but one team member stole the money and their.

the 2004–05 title (which was left unassigned), and was downgraded to last place in the 2005–06 championship (the title was subsequently awarded to Internazionale).

Kingdom in the Eurovision Song Contest 2021 in Rotterdam, where it came in last place with no points.

841 and Setubinha in last place with 0.

the only team to win a pennant after being in last place on the Fourth of July.

They were in last place as late as July 18, but were close to the pack.

winning the pennant by 10½ games over the New York Giants after being in last place in the NL at midseason.

from Liverpool, best known for scoring "nul points" and finishing in last place with their performance of "Cry Baby" at the 2003 Eurovision Song Contest.


bed; snuggle; put in; lay; postpose; lose; inclose; set; perch; reposition; replace; superpose; intersperse; sign; misplace; marshal; dispose; stick in; plant; upend; posit; glycerolise; cock; set up; put back; recline; barrel; shelve; position; arrange; cram; docket; stratify; step; middle; sit; ensconce; seat; thrust; install; stand; bottle; park; deposit; parallelize; tee; pile; seed; pillow; glycerolize; place down; poise; displace; appose; sow; ladle; ground; trench; move; siphon; jar; stand up; mislay; settle down; prepose; lean; rack up; throw; nestle; pigeonhole; juxtapose; situate; underlay; enclose; emplace; recess; put down; ship; settle; sit down; instal; rest; pose; imbricate; bucket; insert; place upright; fix; lay over; butt; tee up; space; load; set down; repose; put; introduce; clap; coffin; superimpose;


deglycerolize; disarrange; level; abolish; close;

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