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latitudinally Meaning in Bengali


অক্ষাংশ সংক্রান্ত,

latitudinally's Usage Examples:

The latitudinally equal-differential polyconic projection (等差分纬线多圆锥投影) is a polyconic map projection in use since 1963 in mainland China.

example, the "Turntable" item rotates the view point around the object latitudinally.

Clutch size may vary latitudinally within a species.

Korea, and Far East Russia, hence, the species distribution exhibit latitudinally disjunct (antitropical) distribution between East Asia and Australasia.

The region oscillates latitudinally, but in general the region of confluence occurs between 35 and 45 degrees.

longitudinal forces that closed the Tethyan domain were transmitted latitudinally in what is today the Mediterranean region, resulting in the initial.

First discovered in 1971, a SAID is a latitudinally narrow (1-2° MLAT) layer of rapid, westward flowing ions in the Earth’s.

and is 270 kilometres (170 mi) across east to west, though compressed latitudinally by the Rheasilvia impact.

constant Coriolis parameter and finally, a real-case ocean basin with a latitudinally-varying Coriolis parameter.

Space climatology considers long-term (longer than the latitudinally variable 27-day solar rotation period, through the 11-year solar cycle.

At present the Asagaya area is divided latitudinally into North (阿佐ヶ谷北, Asagaya-kita) and South (阿佐谷南, Asagaya-Minami) by.

eight living pelican species have a patchy global distribution, ranging latitudinally from the tropics to the temperate zone, though they are absent from.

continental Europe the line actually runs longitudinally rather than latitudinally, cutting through central Poland after beginning north of the Arctic.

(2016): Molecular systematics and taxonomic status of three latitudinally widespread nototheniid (Perciformes: Notothenioidei) fishes from the.

motion), the types of waves and their propagation characteristics vary latitudinally, principally because the Coriolis effect on horizontal flow is maximal.

The center of the back may carry 1–3 latitudinally spread groups of dark spots, or may be free of any pattern.

It is a latitudinally oriented strip of land along the Western Scheldt, a North Sea estuary.

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