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legalese Meaning in Bengali

legalese's Usage Examples:

The term legalese, on the other hand, is a term associated with a traditional style of legal.

For example, the language of courts (the so-called "legalese") expresses and institutionalises the domination of the individual, whether.

humorous criticism of middle-management, and specialty jargon, such as legalese, that non-specialists have difficulty in understanding.

The Gaelic title, Lord (Tiarna/Baron) of Molahiffe (in legalese, an incorporeal hereditament), should not be confused with the Baronetcy.

sits at a table with the offender, solicitors and community elders, and legalese is not allowed.

is wiki with over 400 articles which aim to act as a bridge between the legalese used by professions and layman's terms used by the majority.

The tracking aspects of the program were only disclosed in legalese in the middle of the End User License Agreement.

by the Norwegian paper Natt'Dag for being "an exemplary translator of legalese into the broader public debate, and for protesting against an insular and.

planet they are visiting is the weight of secondhand testimony, or in legalese "hearsay".

Vogtlander accent, and tried to make her speech more credible by using legalese to accentuate important passages; however, the coloring of her dialect.

Both were written in plain English and not in legalese, enabling end users to understand better the terms of these legal agreements.


expressive style; style;


inelegance; verboseness; terseness;

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