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loamy Meaning in Bengali

 দোআঁশ মাটিপূর্ণ, দোআঁশ, দোআঁশলা,


দোআঁশলা, দোআঁশ, দোআঁশ মাটিপূর্ণ,

loamy's Usage Examples:

The loamy soils are naturally poor, moist and slightly acidic but the biodiversity.

complex associations of lacustrine material ranging in texture from clay to loamy fine sand and overlie fine-textured till which is exposed in gullies.

community is found throughout the lowlands and upland fringes of Britain on loamy and sandy soils that are disturbed or moderately trampled.

drained areas have brown podzolic Bowser loamy sand or classic podzol Sayward loamy sand.

The more moist Custer loamy sand, a groundwater podzol, is present.

Dakota was heavily glaciated and is largely covered by glacial till and loamy soil, which has lent itself to agricultural uses.

which have developed on sandy loam glacial till locally overlain with a loamy or silty mantle.

developed in a wide variety of unconsolidated materials like glacial till, and loamy aeolian, alluvial and colluvial deposits and physically weathered siltstone.

lower temperatures, and soils formed mainly from nutrient-poor sandy and loamy glacial drift material.

known to grow in a variety of soil types such as light sandy soil, medium loamy soil and heavier clay soil.

Unlidded burrows are sometimes quite obvious in crusty, loamy soil.

Bowser loamy sand is mapped under the whole community.

The park lies on a gentle foot-slope with sandy soils to the east and loamy soils to the west.

The shores are mostly rocky, and the interior consists of light thin, loamy land.

(Eutric Regosol and Cambisol) Inclusions shallow, very stony, silt loamy to loamy soils (Skeletic Cambisol, Leptic Cambisol, Skeletic Regosol) clays of.

Associated soil types shallow, very stony, silt loamy to loamy soils (Skeletic Cambisol, Leptic Cambisol, Skeletic Regosol) (4) moderately.

encompasses the refuge was highly valued in the 19th Century because its loamy soil supported rich cotton plantations.

Thus from the east, Tatsfield has two western pockets of slightly acid, loamy soils with free drainage otherwise has the expected shallow, lime-rich soil.

situated in a glacial till plain and is generally in an area dominated by loamy, poorly drained soils.

roadsides, old pastures, and riversides on moist, rich soils, especially on loamy and heavy soils.

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