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magmas Meaning in Bengali

magmas's Usage Examples:

Following their ascent through the crust, magmas may feed a volcano to be extruded as lava, or solidify underground to form.

There are nn2 magmas with n elements so there are 1, 1, 16, 19683, 4294967296, .

(sequence A002489 in the OEIS) magmas with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, .

Felsic and intermediate magmas that erupt often do so violently, with explosions driven by the release.

Granite forms from silica-rich (felsic) magmas.

Felsic magmas are thought to form by addition of heat or water vapor to rock of.

Magmas that have been so altered are said to be "evolved" to distinguish them from "primitive" magmas that more closely resemble.

crystallized from (tholeiitic magmas are reduced, and calc-alkaline magmas are oxidized).

When mafic (basalt-producing) magmas crystallize, they preferentially.

Effusive eruptions are most common in basaltic magmas, but they also occur in intermediate and felsic magmas.

differentiation, is an umbrella term for the various processes by which magmas undergo bulk chemical change during the partial melting process, cooling.

components magmas did also involve sources in the mantle.

The formation of these magmas is thus a form of crustal recycling.

Peraluminous magmas are rare.

they crystallized from (tholeiitic magmas are reduced; calc-alkaline magmas are oxidized ).

When the parent magmas of basalts crystallize, they preferentially.

their magmas to have a stronger crustal contribution.

The output of the northernmost volcanoes is dominated by andesitic and more evolved magmas and they.

either as solid blocks and fragments, or as crystals accumulated from magmas that formed in the mantle.

mixing of different magmas, one of which in the case of Parinacota may be the Ajata magmas.

More specifically, two different magmas with compositions akin.

earliest plutons of the batholith formed in the Late Jurassic with the magmas likely being derived from anatexis.

to peralkaline igneous complexes, in pegmatites associated with alkaline magmas and in or associated with carbonatite intrusives.

Felsic magmas are formed within the crust, usually through melting of crust rock from the heat of underlying mafic magmas.

the category of medial magmas, also known as the medial category, and denoted Med, is the category whose objects are medial magmas (that is, sets with a.

the generation of andesitic magmas is multistage, and involves crustal melting and assimilation of primary basaltic magmas, magma storage at the base of.

basaltic magmas are trapped during their rise to the surface at the Mohorovičić discontinuity or within the crust.

Entrapment (or 'stalling out') of magmas within.

is relatively fluid compared with magmas typically involved in more explosive eruptions, such as the andesitic magmas that produce some of the spectacular.


rock; stone;


bad person; achromatic; artifact;

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