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more than enough Meaning in Bengali

 অতিরিক্ত, প্রয়োজনাতিরিক্ত,

more than enough's Usage Examples:

the ground consists of grass banking and its capacity of 13,000 is more than enough to cope with demand.

cockroach's thorax, temporarily paralyzing the victim for a few minutes - more than enough time for the wasp to deliver a second sting.

At times, the tower can generate more than enough electricity for itself.

By the time the convention opened Carter already had more than enough delegates to clinch the nomination, and so the major emphasis at the.

a quotation from the Hebrew Bible (Psalms:23:5) and means "I have more than enough for my needs", though interpretations and usage vary.

trajectory is the trajectory of any object around a central body with more than enough speed to escape the central object's gravitational pull.

not possible to reassign it elsewhere, even when a rate centre has more than enough numbers to service it.

Biden's margin in New Castle County would have been more than enough to carry the state; he carried his home county by over 106,000 votes.

It sold a further 429,180 copies in this four-day period, which was more than enough to secure the 2005 Christmas number one.

governor had a total of 20 claimed ballots in his favor, which is more than enough to offset the winning margin of Tubban in the 2019 polls.

González demands over one million US dollars in compensation, more than enough to bring Radio Bío-Bío to bancrupcy.

Although OF and VPN had more than enough seats between them to govern without the support of other parties,.

Mexico City's hydrological paradox is that (unlike Los Angeles) it gets more than enough rain to, in theory, keep the 21 million people who live in and around.

and Baltimore counties and Baltimore City–by over a million votes, more than enough to carry the state.

marginal sufficiency, Chinese consumers suddenly were able to buy more than enough to eat from a growing variety of food items.

as a pop record than anything he's done since Body ' Soul, which is more than enough to make it a worthy comeback.


aircraft; balloon; airship; dirigible;



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