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move forward Meaning in Bengali

 অগ্রসর হত্তয়া,

move forward's Usage Examples:

To green-light is to give permission to move forward with a project.

In 1991 the clocks did not move forward in the spring to maintain single daylight time only in the summer.

retroflex position, trilling involves the tip of the tongue and causes it to move forward to the alveolar ridge; this means that the retroflex trill gives a preceding.

The project did not move forward and the character's film rights reverted to Marvel Studios by June 2006.

retroflex position, trilling involves the tip of the tongue and causes it to move forward to the alveolar ridge.

After contentious hearings, the state authorized Nestlé to move forward, and tax incentives were approved for Nestlé's construction of a bottling.

Holford Associates set about fulfilling this move forward by proposing a glass building which demonstrated the latest technologies.

was proposed, but it was later announced that the project would not move forward due to funding problems.

wrote the script with permission of the Abbate family, and proceeded to move forward with casting and location scouting.

profitability, and if they are interested, they will signal their intent to move forward with a letter of intent (LOI).

be audible enough to be heard with the naked ear as the fluid and gas move forward in the intestines (in the vicinity of, but not actually within the stomach).

than SQLite as the backend) as the reason the specification could not move forward to become a W3C Recommendation.

The decision was made to move forward, and 80,000 people attended.

The following year HBO revealed they had decided not to move forward with the project.

Boys, with their eyes covered, move forward to the sound of a music that tries to mislead them.

This normally allows a triggering of the opportunity which can then move forward to scoping and validation.

Si-won, Kang So-ra and Gong Myung about young people's challenges as they move forward in society.


forrad; forwards; frontward; forrard; frontwards;


backward; dirty; impure; dry; preserved;

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