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move down Meaning in Bengali

 যেদিকে নির্দেশ করা হচ্ছে সেদিকে আরও এগোনো,

move down's Usage Examples:

could pick first in the draft, and no team in the non-playoff group could move down more than one place.

Typically, the ion(s) will move down the electrochemical gradient, allowing the other molecule(s) to move against.

as it allows a player to attack more easily, since a rook or queen can move down the file to penetrate the opponent's position.

Promoted teams move up to London 2 South East and demoted teams move down to Sussex 1 and Kent 1.

Kapfenberger SV ended the championship in last place and therefore had to move down to the second-level First League after four seasons in the Bundesliga.

They live at high altitudes in the summer, then move down the mountains in the fall and spend the winter in sheltered forested valleys.

the runners up from London 2 South West, while demoted teams tend to move down to London 3 South East.

With the move down to Little Caesars Arena Hooper now sports a red and blue mane and tail.

the advent of dining cars made it advantageous to enable passengers to move down the length of a train.

When ions move down their concentration gradient into the cell, they can cause a number of.

west of its range, but Asian birds migrate to more southerly areas, or move down the mountains.

will move either upwards or rightwards (instead of left) and PgDn will move down or leftwards (instead of right).

The raw materials continuously move down the blast furnace.

Down-and-out: spot price starts above the barrier level and has to move down for the option to become null and void.

system) while teams who finish lowest in their division are relegated (move down to a lower division).

through a transport protein which requires energy while the yellow circles move down their concentration gradient which releases energy.

ATP hydrolysis in the transport step itself; rather, molecules and ions move down their concentration gradient reflecting its diffusive nature.

Later he would put his race winning move down to inexperience.


hasten; drag; tramp; uprise; do; get around; roam; go down; shuttle; wheel; pan; travel along; pelt along; pace; automobile; take the air; ascend; transfer; plough; creep; meander; ferry; speed; go around; whisk; float; progress; travel by; motor; swim; thread; get about; run; retrograde; go up; lift; come up; drift; rush; be adrift; come down; pass over; belt along; spurt; trail; zoom; journey; march on; go past; career; snowshoe; lurch; taxi; trundle; push; ride; hurtle; lance; drive; swan; bucket along; pass; glide; slither; prance; step; range; go forward; sit; rove; slice into; travel rapidly; descend; advance; retire; recede; billow; angle; hie; stray; pass on; wend; travel purposefully; circle; race; resort; steam; plow; walk; whine; go on; draw; fly; overfly; continue; follow; caravan; island hop; cast; outflank; whoosh; step on it; sift; crank; move around; crawl; arise; pull away; zigzag; displace; tread; jump; swash; accompany; cruise; pursue; whistle; slide; shack; locomote; bang; vagabond; propagate; pull back; move back; err; zip; spread; turn; round; seek; change; pass by; forge; circulate; whish; withdraw; cannonball along; hotfoot; wind; swap; return; weave; travel; hiss; breeze; flock; precess; swing; come; hurry; go; betake oneself; circuit; fall; raft; ramble; tram; rise; bounce; wander; repair; lead; move up; beetle; play; roll; steamer; move on; go by; ease; spirt; carry; derail; ghost; draw back; blow; go through; scramble; surpass; back; wing; retreat; go across; slice through; precede; rush along; proceed; jounce; ski;


rise; recede; ascend; ride; linger; stay in place; precede; descend; go; advance; fall; follow;

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