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obligate anaerobe Meaning in Bengali


অক্সিজেন না পাইয়াত্ত বাঁচিতে বাধ্য,

obligate anaerobe's Usage Examples:

found that in Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, an obligate anaerobe found in the mammalian digestive tract, exposure to oxygen results.

Carboxydocella is a Gram-positive and obligate anaerobe bacterial genus from the family of Syntrophomonadaceae.

the genus Eubacterium, notable for being an amino acid-degrading obligate anaerobe producing or utilizing H2 or formate.

It is a gram-negative obligate anaerobe.

israelii are obligate anaerobe), and they grow best under anaerobic conditions.

non-spore-forming and grows under strictly anaerobic conditions, thus an obligate anaerobe.

Thermoanaerobacteraceae, with one known species (Brockia lithotrophica), an obligate anaerobe, spore-forming, rod-shaped microorganism.

Dichelobacter nodosus, formerly Bacteroides nodosus, is a Gram-negative, obligate anaerobe of the family Cardiobacteriaceae.

This species is an obligate anaerobe and is found in the rumen of cows.

This bacterium is rod shaped, spore-forming and obligate anaerobe.

The species is an obligate anaerobe, catalase-negative, doesn't form spores and is non-motile.

It is a motile, helically coiled, obligate anaerobe that grows best at 37 °C, and is a novel member of its genus because.

little oxygen, so Balnearium lithotrophicum is an obligate anaerobe bacterium.

An obligate anaerobe is a bacterium that cannot survive in the presence.

, a new Gram-negative obligate anaerobe from sea mammals".

During this period, he identified the obligate anaerobe Clostridium pasteurianum, which is capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen.

desulfuricans has been described as a motile, rod-shaped, Gram-negative obligate anaerobe with polar flagella.




prokaryote; eukaryote; stander; sitter;

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