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of no avail Meaning in Bengali

 বিফল, ব্যর্থ, কোন উপকার হয় নাই এমন, বৃথা, নিষ্ফল, অকেজো,

of no avail শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

তিনি চার বছর বাংলাদেশ শাসন করার পর ১৯৮১ সালের ৩০শে মে এক ব্যর্থ সামরিক অভ্যুত্থানে চট্টগ্রামে নির্মমভাবে নিহত হন ।

সুস্পষ্ট সিদ্ধান্ত হলো, প্রথমোক্ত দলটির সমস্ত চেষ্টা-সাধনা ও কাজ-কর্ম তিনি নিষ্ফল করে দিয়েছেন এবং শেষোক্ত দলটির অবস্থা সংশোধন করে দিয়েছেন ।

সাত দিন ও সাত রাত রোমে প্রেম ও আনন্দ খোঁজার নিষ্ফল চেষ্টা করে মারচেল্লো ।

দেবরাজ ইন্দ্র নিজের বজ্র প্রয়োগ করলে, তাও ব্যর্থ হয় ।

হয়েছে: হিরণ্যকশিপুকে বধ করার পর সকল দেবতাই নৃসিংহদেবের ক্রোধ নিবারণে ব্যর্থ হন ।

ফ্যাশন সপ্তাহের প্রশংসা করেছেন এবং এটিকে "ভয় কাটিয়ে তোলার জন্য চরমপন্থীদের নিষ্ফল প্রচেষ্টা" এর একটি প্রত্যুত্তর বলে অভিহিত করেছেন ।

তার বৃথা গরিমা ও অতিনাটকীয় উপস্থিতি দর্শকদের বিতৃষ্ণা উৎপাদনে যথেষ্টই সক্ষম ।

of no avail's Usage Examples:

collectively the Continental System; but his warnings on that subject were of no avail.

This was of no avail as it meant swearing fealty (allegiance) to King Louis VIII.

Gospels, the singing of psalms, [and] attending church services are of no avail until the Christian has received, through initiation, the gift of perceiving.

perceiving that all the trouble and caution of his predecessor had been of no avail, made a vigorous opposition to the abbot of Shrewsbury, in London and.

their life, worth, strength, and virtues in proper use; or else they are of no avail and value whatever" (Werke, Weimar ed.

"His admonitions, however, yielded no fruit, and His pleading proved of no avail.

Ferre also writes:"The exposition of certain Paris (doctors) is of no avail, who affirm that Christ only promised that the faith should not fail.

that I should build a house to name? If I rely on myself, it will be of no avail, but it is you who will assist me.

Ultimately, the abilities of the zmeu are of no avail, as Făt-Frumos defeats him through martial skill and daring.

pursuing his arguments beyond the bounds of halakhah; but it proved of no avail.

Kovur Kilar's pleadings were of no avail and the civil war only ended with the death of Nedunkilli.

attempt to offer his father some assistance, but realized that it was of no avail, for the Indians were still on the ground.

It was of no avail; we were discovered and killed — men, women and children — indiscriminately.

new-born is not destined to live long, astrological prognostications are of no avail.

Just like the light from millions of lamps is of no avail to a blind person, studying scriptures alone is of no use to a person.

pacify their respective children that they are husband and wife, is of no avail, as they are convinced that Maya and Jairaj are having an illicit affair.

Her efforts were of no avail at that time; however, providence favored Tuttle.

he was furious and hastened down to Baghdad, but his opposition was of no avail.


baseball game; no-hitter; baseball;


softball; hardball;

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