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oppress Meaning in Bengali

 উৎপীড়ন করা, অত্যাচার করা অন্যায় বা নিষ্ঠুর ব্যবহার করা


দু:খ দেত্তয়া, নির্যাতন করা, পরপীড়ন করা, নিপীড়ন করা, পীড়ন করা, তাড়ন করা, জবরদস্তি করা, অত্যাচার করা, জর্জরিত করা, দুর্দশাগ্রস্ত করা, অভিভূত করা, উপদ্রব করা, নিগৃহীত করা, আচ্ছন্ন করা, ভারাক্রান্ত করা, চাপ দেত্তয়া, ধর্ষণ করা, পদদলিত করা, জুলুম করা,

oppress's Usage Examples:

institutional oppression, and economic oppression.

[citation needed] The word oppress comes from the Latin oppressus, past participle of opprimere, ("to press.

argue that the term can only be reclaimed by those it has been used to oppress.

despot applies pejoratively to those who use their power and authority to oppress their populace, subjects, or subordinates.

becoming a "tyranny of the majority" whereby the majority in society could oppress or exclude minority groups, which can lead to violence and civil war.

system of wage slavery must also do away with the power of one class to oppress another.

prefer to keep the inhabitants illiterate, so that they can continue to oppress and abuse them over time.

Storrs adamantly pointed out how republicans could act like monarchies and oppress others, and that America would be confirming this truth by its own example.

and normative structures, practices, and curricula" that marginalize or oppress non-heterosexual students and teachers.

How the rich oppress the poor, and how housewives and working women have different perspectives.

hints of power-play in villages and caste and religious barriers that oppress the deemed lower in status.

society aid societally privileged people, as opposed to how those structures oppress others.

In summers when they can travel across the sea they oppress the surrounding lands by raiding both Christians and pagans.

Its detractors say that it is designed to oppress political dissent by criminalizing it, establishing restrictions on personal.

discourse, he has argued that private defense agencies could form cartels and oppress people, more or less as governments, with little fear of competition.

while its opponents viewed it as an attempt by the linguistic majority to oppress and assert dominance on minorities.

In the song, Scott Stapp sings about hatred and those who oppress others.

and increase across the whole Bulgarian land, although you may wish to oppress it with my death.

The species are helotistic, that is, they oppress another species of ant in order to sustain their colony.

contract", which in both formal and informal ways permitted whites to oppress and exploit non-whites and violate their own moral ideals in dealing with.

an Arabic term for "oppressed, ill-treated, injured, sinned-against" (the antonym being ẓālim "oppressor"; root ẓlm "to oppress").


quash; suppress; keep down; reduce; subdue; crush; repress; subjugate;


hate; decompression; lose; stay; remember;

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