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oppresses Meaning in Bengali

 জুলুম করা, ধর্ষণ করা, চাপ দেত্তয়া, পদদলিত করা, ভারাক্রান্ত করা, আচ্ছন্ন করা, নিগৃহীত করা, উপদ্রব করা, অভিভূত করা, দুর্দশাগ্রস্ত করা, অত্যাচার করা, জবরদস্তি করা, তাড়ন করা, পীড়ন করা, নিপীড়ন করা, পরপীড়ন করা, নির্যাতন করা, জর্জরিত করা, দৌরাত্ম্য করা, দু:খ দেত্তয়া,


দু:খ দেত্তয়া, নির্যাতন করা, পরপীড়ন করা, নিপীড়ন করা, পীড়ন করা, তাড়ন করা, জবরদস্তি করা, অত্যাচার করা, জর্জরিত করা, দুর্দশাগ্রস্ত করা, অভিভূত করা, উপদ্রব করা, নিগৃহীত করা, আচ্ছন্ন করা, ভারাক্রান্ত করা, চাপ দেত্তয়া, ধর্ষণ করা, পদদলিত করা, জুলুম করা,

oppresses's Usage Examples:

wilful ignorance and stupidity on the part of the majority whom the system oppresses.

America has lost its moral standing and has now become a nation that oppresses human rights.

like colleges and using comedy as a tool to make fun of a system that oppresses.

Dealer depicts a dystopian future to explore ways in which technology both oppresses and connects migrants.

The French state increasingly oppresses the Occitan lower classes.

but in later Jewish tradition Belshazzar was presented as a tyrant who oppresses the Jewish people.

have come forward asking for a review of the law as it is felt that it oppresses Shiite women, taking away many of their rights in a marital relationship.

In reality, he claims, the superior group or class always oppresses the inferior masses, who eventually revolt.

[it] is evil in its effect, if it so oppresses men as to draw him away entirely from good deeds.

group of survivors in the Sanctuary, called the Saviors, a group that oppresses other survivor communities and forces them to pay tribute to him.

the other leaders of his faction contend that the government of Mali oppresses the Tuareg population of the north, and has repeatedly failed to live.

In it, Sumanguru Kanté is an evil sorcerer-king who oppresses the Mandinka people; however, when Sundiata discovers that his sacred.

criticized the stereotyping of Ratburn, writing that he "dominates and oppresses his students" and is almost a caricature.

Lydgate goes on to draw the wider lesson of how a tyrannous aristocracy oppresses the rural poor and gives them no return for their service.

the beginning of the novel is a brutal tyrant who misuses his power and oppresses his people, but, through the aid of a commoner woman named Zabibah, he.

It oppresses many millions of people in the world.

he no longer wants to fight for the benefit of an English elite that oppresses and humiliates people of his class.

The children discover an old city gate in the forest, where a tyrant oppresses the people.

reports claim the Guangdong National Language Regulations is a "Law that oppresses the Cantonse Language".

for people to go past the house in the darkness, sits on their back and oppresses them.


quash; suppress; keep down; reduce; subdue; crush; repress; subjugate;


hate; decompression; lose; stay; remember;

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