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orthographically Meaning in Bengali

orthographically's Usage Examples:

not represented orthographically in the standard language).

Akanye also occurs in: Standard Belarusian (represented orthographically) Northern (Polissian).

The name of the Algonquian language family is distinguished from the orthographically similar Algonquin dialect of the Indigenous Ojibwe language (Chippewa).

The name sweet clover varies orthographically (sweet-clover, sweetclover).

the dental click /ǀ/, orthographically ⟨c⟩; the lateral click /ǁ/, orthographically ⟨x⟩; and the palatal click /ǃ/, orthographically ⟨q⟩.

publishes a pinyin-edition Xinhua Zidian with both characters and orthographically precise transcriptions.

The speech has been orthographically transcribed and phonetically labeled.

Transliteration is orthographically accurate (the original spelling can be recovered), but transcription.

Unlike other letter variants such as "long s" which originally were orthographically distinctive, r rotunda has always been a calligraphic variant, used.

language, "svaha" is translated as "so be it" and is often pronounced and orthographically represented as "soha".

The Eastern particle piti is orthographically identical to the Western particle bidi, which is used to form the future.

Cornish, Old Welsh, and Old Breton are said to be indistinguishable orthographically.

Mazorca derived from "más horca" (more gallows), the more sinister (and orthographically plausible) belief was that the mazorca (Spanish for "corncob") referred.

"R-like" sounds, are liquid consonants that are traditionally represented orthographically by symbols derived from the Greek letter rho, including ⟨R⟩, ⟨r⟩ in.

honor of Burman as Drosera burmanni (the species epithet is usually orthographically corrected to burmannii).

reflected as [ɪ e a o] (orthographically i̱ e a o) in Tetelcingo, while the long vowels /iː eː aː oː/ become [i ⁱe ɔᵃ u] (orthographically i, ie, ö, u).

Nasalization on vowels is orthographically represented by placing ⟨n⟩ after the vowel.

way of describing interlingual homographs is to say that they are orthographically identical, since a language's orthography describes the rules for writing.

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