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oscillations Meaning in Bengali

 চঁচলতা, দোলন, দোল, আন্দোলন,



oscillations's Usage Examples:

Neural oscillations, or brainwaves, are rhythmic or repetitive patterns of neural activity in the central nervous system.

In physics, a transverse wave is a wave whose oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of the wave's advance.

harmonic oscillator, and it undergoes simple harmonic motion: sinusoidal oscillations about the equilibrium point, with a constant amplitude and a constant.

Solar-like oscillations are oscillations in distant stars that are excited in the same way as those in the Sun, namely by turbulent convection in its.

Gough, is the study of the structure and dynamics of the Sun through its oscillations.

the oscillations to gradually decay in amplitude towards zero or attenuate.

The damping ratio is a measure describing how rapidly the oscillations decay.

No oscillations were found until the detector was installed at a distance 1–2 km.

Such oscillations give the value of the parameter.

rate of change of the phase of a sinusoidal waveform (for example, in oscillations and waves), or as the rate of change of the argument of the sine function.

Gamma oscillations have also been shown to correlate with the firing of single neurons,.

Asteroseismology is the study of oscillations in stars.

frequency of the system have the ability to produce large amplitude oscillations in the system due to the storage of vibrational energy.

After time t, the source has produced ωt/2π = ft oscillations.

hippocampal oscillations fell mostly into the 4–6 Hz frequency range, so they were referred to as "theta" oscillations.

Later, hippocampal oscillations of the.

in the form of electronic oscillations if excited, but because it has electrical resistance and other losses the oscillations are damped and decay to zero.

Saccadic oscillations not fitting the normal function are a deviation from a healthy or normal.


resonance; beat; vibration; wave; transient; sympathetic vibration; undulation; ripple;


refresh; lose; motionlessness; fall; stand still;

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