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ostracoderm Meaning in Bengali

বিলুপ্ত মাছ মত একটি প্রচন্ডভাবে সাঁজোয়াযুক্ত শরীর থাকার মেরুদন্ডী jawless; পুরাজীবীয় এর

ostracoderm's Usage Examples:

extinct genus of primitive ostracoderm fish that lived in the Early Silurian to Early Devonian periods.

Like other ostracoderms, Ateleaspis had a head shield.

vertebrates or, at any rate, for the ensemble of all ostracoderms and the gnathostomes.

Other ostracoderms, such as the Galeaspida are now known to have a.

rhenanids, while the other suggests that they were actually some sort of ostracoderm agnathans.

orthoconic nautiloids, ostracods, trilobites, phacopids), crinoids, ostracoderm and acanthodian fish.

are 250 meters thick including siltstone, shale, sandstone, clay and ostracoderm fossils.

GM Robertson, Journal of Paleontology, 1945 The ostracoderm order Anaspida, with description of some Upper Silurian material.

would end up being home to creatures like brachiopods, corals, crinoids, ostracoderms, and trilobites.

fundamental advances in the knowledge of graptolites and of the extinct ostracoderm fish.

Examples: placoderm ("plated skin"); echinoderm ("hedgehog skin"); ostracoderm ("shell skin") deino-: see dino-, deino-.

"New evidence on Jamoytius kerwoodi White, an important ostracoderm from the Silurian of Lanarkshire, Scotland" (PDF).

Pycnaspis splendens new genus, new species, a new ostracoderm from the Upper Ordovician of North America.

those days, placoderms were thought to be shelled jawless fish akin to ostracoderms.

jawless fish called the conodonts, and small mostly armoured fish known as ostracoderms, first appeared.

Entomostraca, Leptostraca, Malacostraca, ostracism, ostracize, ostracod, ostracoderm, ostracon, periostracum ostre- oyster Greek ὄστρεον ostreophagist, oyster.

ostracoderm's Meaning':

extinct fish-like jawless vertebrate having a heavily armored body; of the Paleozoic

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