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pairwise Meaning in Bengali

pairwise's Usage Examples:

the set is said to be pairwise coprime (or pairwise relatively prime, mutually coprime or mutually relatively prime).

of sets ( A i ) i ∈ I {\displaystyle (A_{i})_{i\in I}} : the family is pairwise disjoint, or mutually disjoint if A i ∩ A j = ∅ {\displaystyle A_{i}\cap.

The events are called pairwise independent if any two events in the collection are independent of each.

selects as the winner the candidate whose greatest pairwise defeat is smaller than the greatest pairwise defeat of any other candidate.

A candidate with this property, the pairwise champion or beats-all winner, is formally called the Condorcet winner.

loss functions: the pointwise, pairwise, and listwise approach.

In practice, listwise approaches often outperform pairwise approaches and pointwise approaches.

CPO-STV in that it compares possible winning sets of candidate outcomes pairwise and selects the Condorcet winner.

The pairwise sorting network is a sorting network discovered and published by Ian Parberry in 1992 in Parallel Processing Letters.

The pairwise sorting.

independent random variables is pairwise independent, but some pairwise independent collections are not mutually independent.

transferable vote, Instant Runoff Voting, Contingent vote, Minimax Condorcet (a pairwise opposition variant which does not satisfy the Condorcet Criterion), and.

voters and the following preferences: The Kemeny–Young method arranges the pairwise comparison counts in the following tally table: The ranking scores of all.

The Kemeny–Young method arranges the pairwise comparison counts in the following tally table: The ranking scores of all.

such as cloth simulation, it may not be possible to use a more specific pairwise pruning algorithm as discussed below, and an n-body pruning algorithm is.

methods and were originally applied to phenetic data using a matrix of pairwise distances.

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