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pirouette Meaning in Bengali

 নাচের সময় একপায়ে বা এক পায়ের আঙ্গুলে ভর দিয়া ঘুরপাক,


নাচের সময় একপায়ে বা এক পায়ের আঙ্গুলে ভর দিয়া ঘুরপাক,

pirouette's Usage Examples:

There are many variations of pirouettes.

A pirouette can be started from second or fourth position in ballet, whereas.

The pirouette, a small wooden attachment with a cavity in the center resembling a thimble.

mouthpieces while exposed double-reed instruments (apart from those using pirouettes) and open flutes do not.

" A pirouette is a two-track lateral movement asked of a horse in dressage, in which.

A pirouette usually means turning or spinning on one foot while touching the standing.

The second meaning of a 'flash' is a "flashy" move, such as a clap or a pirouette, performed by the juggler during a pattern with time when all props are.

piffero is inserted in a conical brass tube, which is itself inserted in a pirouette.

Pirouette A pirouette is when the boater turns during an ender, with the boat as the axis.

Skid-steer loaders are capable of zero-radius, "pirouette" turning, which makes them extremely maneuverable and valuable for applications.

For example, in ballet, a pirouette is a type of pivot turn on one foot.

performed first a lane violation then after being passed by Young, a pirouette to drop the baton outside of the end of the zone.

quadruple pirouette.

In 1994, Kristian Kristof broke the record by releasing all three boxes and catching them after a quadruple pirouette.

Yurchenko full Layout Yurchenko full Uneven bars Stalder 1/2 pirouette directly into Endo 1/2 pirouette Straddled Deltchev Straddled Tkatchev Shaposhnikova transition.


whirl; spin; twist; twisting; twirl;


disentangle; untwist; unweave; unsnarl; straight;

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