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placates Meaning in Bengali

 শান্ত করা,


শান্ত করা,

placates শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

মনকে শান্ত করা ৪ ।

ধরার সময় বিপজ্জনক ভালুকগুলিকে শান্ত করা হয় এবং ঘাড়ে একটি উজ্জ্বল রং দিয়ে চিহ্নিত করা হয় ।

তাঁর বহু অলৌকিক ঘটনা যেমন পানির উপর হাঁটাচলা, ঝড়কে শান্ত করা, শিষ্যদের এবং মাছের আশ্চর্যজনকভাবে ধরা, এবং পাঁচ হাজার লোককে ( তাবঘায় ।

এপ্রিল ১৯১৯ নাগাদ, আমানুল্লাহ বুঝতে পারেন যে রক্ষনশীলদের শান্ত করা না গেলে তিনি ক্ষমতায় টিকতে পারবেন না ।

মুক্তিপণ দেওয়া হয় এবং এই অঞ্চল বল প্রয়োগের চেয়ে কূটনীতির মাধ্যমে বেশি শান্ত করা হয় ।

এর মূল লক্ষ্য হলো মনকে শান্ত করা এবং একাগ্রতা স্থাপন করা ।

চালচলন, জাঁকজমক ঠাণ্ডা কথা মিষ্টিমিষ্টি কথা ঠাণ্ডা করা/হওয়া জুড়ানো, শান্ত করা ঠাণ্ডা লড়াই চাপা রেষারেষি; মনস্তাত্ত্বিক যুদ্ধ ঠাণ্ডা লাগা শৈতাক্রান্ত ।

placates's Usage Examples:

undertakes the sacrifice and in so doing brings peace to the dead and placates the deities.

The puzzles are mostly logical (keys unlock doors, gold placates a burglar), though there are exceptions.

Argonautica book I sets a scene at Mount Dindymon, where Jason placates the goddess of the mountain, "the mother of all the blessed gods, where.

Gloves match unless he has his own private camp in the country, Danny placates his pal by enlisting members of the Vassey Street Boys' Club in the Civilian.

Jagannath to Shree Mandir CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link) "Lord placates wife with sweet delight".

As he placates her suspicions by telling her that he is sailing to Hawaii on the USS Navajo.

Water Tower, which placates the guests and somehow creates the Indian Ocean.

Wearing that particular rudraksha placates the associated deity: Further, Kalagni Rudra says that one who wears a.

However, she placates Saritha by saying that she wouldn't mind if her character is shown as remarried.

"You can't always go by the book, but have to officiate in a way that placates the Dresden public".

He placates Arati and tells her that he believes some day they both will get jobs to.

he will make his decision but needs indeterminate time to do so, which placates Dwight.

"The New Amsterdams' debut Never You Mind placates the frustration in a wispy, folk beauty for surely Pryor has tried to outdo.

This placates him and he agrees to come, but all four boys worry about what will happen.

he won a first class gold medal for a large canvas depicting: Abigail placates David, acquired for the Royal Pinacoteca of Capodimonte.

She comes with him and somehow placates Manjeet's spirit.

Mick Jagger eventually placates Homer by offering him a chance to perform at a benefit gig, the "Concert.

After failing in his direct plea to Serafina, Enrico placates the groom with a rousing toast before leaving.

Bran placates the Irish king by compensating him with new horses and treasure, including.


assuage; tranquilize; gentle; lenify; appease; still; quieten; pacify; gruntle; tranquillise; lull; calm; mollify; calm down; conciliate; tranquillize; quiet;


audible; discomposure; louden; worry; agitate;

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