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polynomially Meaning in Bengali



polynomially শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

সবথেকে জনপ্রিয় পদ্ধতিগুলি হলঃ স্প্লিট অপারেটর পদ্ধতি (বাস্তব) চেবিশেভ বহুপদ মাল্টি-কনফিগারেশন সময়নির্ভর হারট্রী পদ্ধতি (multi-configuration time-dependent ।

বিছে সন্ধিপদ পর্বের বহুপদ (myriapoda) উপপর্বের অন্যতম সদস্য- দ্রতগামী স্থলচর পোকা ।

রূপ নিয়েছে: এই ক্ষেত্রে তাদের মধ্যে মাত্র দুটি রয়েছে দুটি দ্বিবৈচিত্র বহুপদ x২ + y২ এবং x৮ + ১৪x২y২ + y৮ ।

এটিতে বলা হয়েছে যে, একটি বহুপদ f ( x ) {\displaystyle f(x)} কে একটি রৈখিক বহুপদ ( x − r ) {\displaystyle (x-r)} দ্বারা ভাগ করলে ।

polynomially's Usage Examples:

In mathematics, a polynomially reflexive space is a Banach space X, on which the space of all polynomials in each degree is a reflexive space.

scalable with the number of substructures but the condition number grows polynomially with the number of elements per substructure.

with respect to the radius of the ball for large radii, rather than polynomially.

In other words, the prover and verifier may interact for polynomially many rounds, and if the input is in the language the verifier should.

system P is polynomially bounded (also called super) if every tautology has a short (i.

If P is polynomially bounded and.

theoretical perspective any strongly NP-hard optimization problem with a polynomially bounded objective function cannot have a fully polynomial-time approximation.

In the study of complex vector spaces, a set S is said to be polynomially convex if, for every point x outside of S, there exists a polynomial.

which states that the time used by a (reasonable) parallel machine is polynomially related to the space used by a sequential machine.

This was resolved affirmatively, for the more general class of polynomially compact operators (operators T {\displaystyle T} such that p ( T ) {\displaystyle.

possess the rapid mixing property, that the mixing time grows at most polynomially fast in log {\displaystyle \log } (number of states of the chain).

In particular, there exist numerically exact and polynomially-scaling algorithms to exactly study static properties of boson systems.

} One obtains a narrower concept of polynomially convex hull by taking O ( G ) {\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}(G)} instead.

formal definition explains: A binary relation P(x,y), where y is at most polynomially longer than x, is in FNP if and only if there is a deterministic polynomial.

Porter showed that the error term in this estimate is a constant, plus a polynomially-small correction, and Donald Knuth evaluated this constant to high accuracy.

{\displaystyle {\mathcal {V}}} of finite-dimensional vector spaces that depends polynomially on vector spaces.

of every feasible solution y ∈ f ( x ) {\displaystyle y\in f(x)} is polynomially bounded in the size of the given instance x {\displaystyle x} , the languages.

offered a reward of "1,000 to anyone who can show that the rule admits polynomially many iterations or to prove that there is a family of linear programs.

are a total of 2n strings of length n, and if a language only contains polynomially many of these, then the proportion of strings of length n that it contains.

nondeterministically run the verifier on all possible proof strings (this requires only polynomially many steps because it can nondeterministically choose the next character.

All of these types of query complexity are polynomially related.

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