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positing Meaning in Bengali

 যথাস্থানে রাখা, সত্য বলিয়া মানিয়া লত্তয়া,


সত্য বলিয়া মানিয়া লত্তয়া, যথাস্থানে রাখা,

positing's Usage Examples:

(1998) looked at the cerebellum, positing a relationship between cerebellar blood flow and the distortion of time.

contests the seal as evidence that Pepi was a king of the 16th Dynasty, positing that the seal does not date to the Second Intermediate Period (SIP).

that has mass and takes up space Substance theory, an ontological theory positing that a substance is distinct from its properties Ousia, term for substance.

Wonders of the Solar System saw Professor Brian Cox examining snottites and positing that if there is life on Mars, it may be similarly primitive and hidden.

Judeopolonia, also Judeo-Polonia, is an antisemitic conspiracy theory positing future Jewish domination of Poland.

In other fields, theories positing the importance of values as an analytical independent variable (including.

Felicitous Hurford disjunctions have been analyzed by positing that the weaker disjunct is strengthened by an embedded scalar implicature.

mechanism by which emotions guide (or bias) behavior and decision-making, and positing that rationality requires emotional input.

experiences core to these rites and traditions, McKenna takes this further, positing that the ingestion of psilocybin was perhaps primary in the formation of.

linguists, Chomsky in particular, have tried to account for this similarity by positing that these two sentences are distinct surface forms that derive from a.

after the death of John Paul II up to the first year of Pope Francis while positing a theory of what made Pope Benedict XVI resign from the papacy in 2013.

high school science courses in place of accepted scientific theories, positing that a scientific controversy exists over these subjects when in fact there.

To answer that seems to require positing another homunculus inside this second homunculus's head, and so forth.

ejectives that pattern with implosives, which has led to phonologists positing a phonological class of glottalic consonants, which includes ejectives.

Pluricontinentalism (Portuguese: Pluricontinentalismo) was a geopolitical concept, positing that Portugal was a transcontinental country and a unitary nation-state.

Doubt has been placed on the existence of the structure in other studies, positing that the structure was found through biases in certain statistical tests.

history is sometimes criticized as deterministic: with some practitioners positing a direction of history: towards an end state of history as classless human.

The book opens by positing the conduct of a war between two super-powerful, time-travelling groups.

prehistoric religion and often referred to as Potnia Theron with some scholars positing a relationship between Artemis and goddesses depicted in Minoan art.

Prior to his positing, Steve was the host of The Drum and a reporter at Lateline.


advise; submit; propose; put forward; suggest; state;


unlock; unzip; unhook; unbuckle; detach;

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