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purposive Meaning in Bengali




purposive's Usage Examples:

The purposive approach (sometimes referred to as purposivism, purposive construction, purposive interpretation, or the modern principle in construction).

Researchers working with the notion of purposive sampling assert that while probability methods are suitable for large-scale.

It is defined as purposive striving and is one of the primary human psychological functions.

theories and works, he founded what is now a branch of psychology known as purposive behaviorism.

The name 'horme' was adopted by Sir Percy Nunn to refer to all the purposive behaviours (drives or urges) of an organism - whether conscious or not.

Other sources say that purposive movement begins months earlier.

with associated motion present a contrast between association motion and purposive motion verb constructions, as in the following examples from Japhug Rgyalrong.

Archaeological field surveys can also be characterized as either purposive or sampling surveys.

Court found that the "determination of subject matter must be based on a purposive construction of the patent claims.

Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) is a "purposive productive work and services related to the needs of the child and the community, which will be.

"The evolution of purposive behavior" Ralph Gerard: "The neurophysiology of purposive behavior" Jerrier A.

Haddad: "Hardware for purposive systems" David.

purposive, interpretation even where the wording of the relevant provision is neither obscure nor ambiguous.

definition of human intelligence is "(a) mental activity directed toward purposive adaptation to, selection and shaping of, real-world environments relevant.

equivalents applied in the United States and adopted the doctrine of purposive construction, as originally applied by the United Kingdom House of Lords.

follows: the role of chance in biological evolution can be reconciled with a purposive creator because "there is a creative interplay of 'chance' and law apparent.

Perhaps most importantly, though, their creativity, their production is purposive and planned.

Notably, the majority adopted a liberal and purposive interpretation of language rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights and.




irresolute; meaningless; purposeless;

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