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quorate Meaning in Bengali

quorate's Usage Examples:

elections, all Catholic members quit the Chamber, resulting in it not being quorate.

power, Reviews and the court makes decisions by simply majority and is quorate with three voting members (except for levying tax where four members are.

opposition independents walked out of the legislature, meaning it was not quorate due to the absence of two Cook Islands Party MPs.

For Council to make any binding decisions it has to be quorate; the quorum for Students' Union Council is set at 50% of voting members.

In 2014 the castle was offered at auction last time but this was not quorate.

with a right of appeal to the Supreme Court once the Supreme Court was quorate again.

These state, for example, that the cabinet is quorate only if at least half of the ministers including the chair (the Chancellor.

operation: In 1929, in response to the cost and time required to assemble quorate meetings of interstate delegates in a time before commercial air travel.

date for the start of oral proceedings, for which the Court is considered quorate with the presence of five judges.

The 1945 AGM attracted only 14 Associations/Leagues and was not quorate though by July that year it was agreed to restart Scottish and District.

Leslie Kosmin QC held that the board meeting was validly convened and was quorate.

The plenum of the court is quorate when at least 10 justices are present.

that all of its supporters would turn up, it became impossible to hold a quorate meeting of the parliament.

The chamber is not quorate for a time longer than 3 months.

The Board normally meets quarterly and is quorate for making decisions with a minimum of three fifths of Trustees present.

Elections were held on 16 September 1852, and their first quorate meeting was on 9 October 1852.

own executive, resulting in too few people present for the meeting to be quorate.

change their gene expression in accordance with the presence of other "quorate" populations of Gram-negative bacteria.

composed mostly of senior officials with many responsibilities, rarely held a quorate meeting (none had been convened successfully since 1830, at least).

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