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rachischisis Meaning in Bengali

একটি না বিরল জন্মগত খুঁত যা একটি পর্শুকা বিকৃত; যদি না বিভিন্ন কশেরুকা প্রভাবিত হয় অথবা myelomeningocele আছে কয়েক লক্ষণ; amniocentesis দ্বারা নির্ণয় করা যাবে

rachischisis's Usage Examples:

defects recorded in cases of sirenomelia include neural tube defects (rachischisis, anencephaly, and spina bifida), holoprosencephaly, hypoplastic left.

syndrome Dionisi–Vici–Sabetta–Gambarara syndrome Diphallia Diphallus rachischisis imperforate anus Diphosphoglycerate mutase deficiency of erythrocyte.

rach- spine Greek ῥάχις, ῥάχεως (rhákhis, rhákheōs) rachipagus, rachis, rachischisis, rhachiodont, rhachis rhag-, rheg- rend, tear Greek ῥηγνύναι (rhēgnúnai).

cause of the anomaly is actually a defect in the occipital bone and rachischisis of the posterior vertebral arches leading to herniation of neural tissue.

close throughout the length of the body results in a condition called rachischisis.

rachischisis's Meaning':

a not uncommon congenital defect in which a vertebra is malformed; unless several vertebrae are affected or there is myelomeningocele there are few symptoms; can be diagnosed by amniocentesis

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