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razorbills Meaning in Bengali

razorbills's Usage Examples:

Middle Mouse is a favoured place for cormorants, guillemots and razorbills.

Today, birds such as guillemots, razorbills, cormorants, shags, fulmars and a variety of sea-gulls all nest on the.

types of seabirds, including Atlantic puffins, double-crested cormorants, razorbills, Leach's storm petrels, eiders, and black guillemots.

Guillemots and razorbills also nest on Sheep Island.

millions of birds, including puffins, northern gannets, guillemots and razorbills.

Guillemots and razorbills also nest here.

include black guillemots, eagles, osprey, leach's storm petrels, puffins, razorbills, and great blue herons.

habitat known for its prolific breeding colonies of Atlantic puffins, razorbills and kittiwakes.

cooler areas to the north: snowy owls, snow buntings, harlequin ducks, and razorbills.

cormorants, and members of the Alcidae family (puffins, common guillemots, razorbills).

habitat for common, Arctic, and endangered roseate terns; Atlantic puffins; razorbills; black guillemots; Leach's storm-petrels; herring, greater black-backed.

site of a large seabird colony, including puffins, skuas, guillemots and razorbills.

Black-legged kittiwakes, razorbills, common shags, herring gulls, and black guillemots also nest there.

seabird populations, including puffins, black-legged kittiwakes, and razorbills, which nest in the sea-cliffs, amongst the highest in the British Isles.

are also a nesting ground for a number of seabird species, including razorbills, cormorants, guillemots, great black-backed gulls and puffins.

at sea or in more southern climates, principal species being puffins, razorbills, kittiwakes, fulmars and guillemots.

Handa is noted for its birdlife, which includes puffins, razorbills and guillemots.

allow close viewing of the seabird cities, including puffins, guillemots, razorbills, shags, cormorants and terns and the fluffy grey seal pups in winter,.

It is best known for its breeding seabirds, including puffins, razorbills, guillemots, kittiwakes and fulmars.


Alca; razor-billed auk; genus Alca; Alca torda; auk;

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