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rebuke Meaning in Bengali

 তাড়ন, তীব্র তিরস্কার, গালি, অধিক্ষেপ,


বলা, কড়কান, গালাগালি দেত্তয়া, থুড়া, তাড়ন করা, তীব্র তিরস্কার করা, ডাঁটা,

rebuke শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ফলে তাতে তড়িৎ পরিবহনের রোধ একেবারে শুন্য হয়ে যাওয়া এবং তড়িৎচুম্বকীয় তাড়ন সৃষ্টি হওয়ার অবস্থাকে বোঝায় ।

প্রতীকের নিচের দিকে রয়েছে গমের ডাঁটা

২০ থেকে ২৫ দিন৷ ফুলদানি সাজানোর জন্য লম্বা ডাঁটাসহ এবং মালা গাঁখার জন্য ডাঁটা ছাড়া ফুল তোলা হয় ।

’ চ) তাড়ন ও মহাপ্রাণ-ঘোষ ধ্বনিহীনতা: এই ভাষায় মহাপ্রাণ-ঘোষ ধ্বনিগুলো যেমন: ঘ, ঝ, ।

উচ্চারক একটি উচ্চারণস্থানে দ্রুতভাবে সংকুচিত হয় সেগুলোকে তাড়িত বা তাড়নজাত ব্যঞ্জনধ্বনি বলা হয় ।

rebuke's Usage Examples:

(O Lord, rebuke me not in thy indignation.

Each body adopts rules allowing censure, which is "stronger than a simple rebuke, but not as strong as expulsion.

accepted an Iraqi death sentence over a Norwegian Iraqi, drawing a sharp rebuke from fellow Progress Party MP André Kvakkestad.

In English law and the canon law of the Church of England, a rebuke is a censure on a member of the clergy.

phrase "keep your breath to cool your porridge" is more likely to be a rebuke to mind your own business than literal advice at breakfast.

rebuke me not in thy wrath".

O Lord, rebuke me.

A "seer" or prophet who was sent to rebuke king Asa of Judah for entering into a league with Ben-Hadad I, king of Syria.

Its antithesis, "two wrongs don't make a right", is a proverb used to rebuke or renounce wrongful conduct as a response to another's transgression.

Sullivan's victory was seen as a rebuke of the Ku Klux Klan.

mostly a slang term and a profanity which means "nonsense", especially as a rebuke in response to communication or actions viewed as deceptive, misleading.

This led NPR to call the 2015 elections "a stinging rebuke to President Obama .

A 2015 grand jury report delivered a "blistering and graphic rebuke" to the department for the beating death of Charlotte inmate Matthew Walker.

historically conceived in the strictest readings of the researchers', could be a 'rebuke to the present'.

the horses delayed the camp's march by a day and earned Orton a "scathing rebuke" from Smith.

Streane calls it "a rebuke and a promise to Baruch".


lambast; criticize; chastise; knock; brush down; pick apart; chew up; jaw; castigate; trounce; dress down; berate; rag; bawl out; correct; criticise; scold; have words; objurgate; tell off; lambaste; chasten; reprimand; reproof; chide; take to task; call down; call on the carpet; remonstrate; lecture; chew out;


pressurise; pressurize; depressurize; desynchronize; praise;

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