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recompile Meaning in Bengali



recompile's Usage Examples:

restrictions (by denying complete tooling that may be necessary in order to recompile and replace the firmware), or by legal means, such as through copyright.

clients, so that the implementation may be changed without the need to recompile the modules using it.

components provided header files and libraries that made it easier to recompile or port Unix applications for use on Windows; they did not make Linux.

feature of some emulators and virtual machines, where the system may recompile some part of a program during execution.

WISE) was a licensing program from Microsoft which allowed developers to recompile and run Windows-based applications on UNIX and Macintosh platforms.

designed to build complex software systems while avoiding the need to recompile the entire system every time a change is made.

processing tens of thousands of deposits instead, the adaptive optimizer would recompile the assembly code to optimize the new common case.

the Wii by creating libraries so that the programmers could easily just recompile the source code of the arcade game, and then add new features.

If not it would trigger a recompile of the object using the source embedded in the object code.

installation of small changes to the object program without the need to recompile or reassemble.

The X11 port lets one recompile existing text-mode curses programs to produce native X11 applications.

makes development of rich 3D application easier, as you do not need to recompile your O3D application per resource changes.

Just-in-time compilation can make use of runtime information to dynamically recompile parts of the executed code to generate a more efficient native code.

port of Mozilla's SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine was achieved, while a recompile of NSPR was in pre-alpha development.

With Repoman, the user can also download all packages' buildscript and recompile them with specific build options.

), without the need to modify source code or recompile.

In many cases only a recompile is necessary, although additional effort may be advisable for z/OS integration.

three selectable levels of detail, avoiding several hours' worth of "fix, recompile, redeploy, fail, repeat" cycles.

It is possible to recompile the policy with a much larger number of categories if required.

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