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reliquary Meaning in Bengali

 পূত দেহাবশেষ বা স্মৃতিচিহ্নের আধার, রেলিকোয়্যারি,


পূত দেহাবশেষ বা স্মৃতিচিহ্নের আধার,

reliquary's Usage Examples:

A reliquary (also referred to as a shrine, by the French term châsse, and historically including phylacteries) is a container for relics.

A portable reliquary.

The reliquary was bequeathed.

The Bimaran casket or Bimaran reliquary is a small gold reliquary for Buddhist relics that was found inside the stupa no.

The Kanishka casket or Kanishka reliquary, is a Buddhist reliquary made in gilded copper, and dated to the first year of the reign of the Kushan emperor.

The Rukhuna reliquary, also sometimes Rukhana reliquary, also described as the Bajaur reliquary inscription, is a Buddhist reliquary which was dedicated.

The so-called Crown of Henry II is a medieval crown which came from the reliquary of the saint Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor (972–1024) at Bamberg Cathedral.

The Silver Reliquary of Indravarman is an inscribed silver Buddhist reliquary dedicated by Apracaraja king Indravarman in the 1st century BCE, which has.

The Monymusk Reliquary is an eighth century Scottish reliquary made of wood and metal characterised by an Insular fusion of Gaelic and Pictish design.

The Dajbabe Monastery also possesses a reliquary with the relics of St.

The Brussels Cross or Drahmal Cross is an Anglo-Saxon cross-reliquary of the early 11th century, now in the treasury of the St.

richly decorated miniature house (aedicula), such as might serve for a reliquary.

also called the Indravarma reliquary, year 63, or sometimes referred to as the Avaca inscription, is an ancient reliquary from the area of Bajaur in ancient.

It is also used as reliquary for the public display of relics of some saints.



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