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revitalised Meaning in Bengali



revitalised শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

steel in minimills using revolutionary slabcasting technology that has revitalized the American steel industry." 1991 Frederick McKinley Jones and Joseph ।

revitalised's Usage Examples:

The Welsh Methodist revival was an evangelical revival that revitalised Christianity in Wales during the 18th century.

After a long hiatus following an 8 July 2005 release, the project was revitalised and the developers released a version based on the X.

neopaganism is a category of autochthonous religious movements which have revitalised within the Baltic people (primarily Lithuanians and Latvians).

herbarium and, according to Kew, "under his direction, orchid taxonomy was revitalised and its horticultural contacts strengthened.

looking for a slower pace and place to raise their children) who have revitalised the town.

tourists, with the result that modern signage (illustration) identifies the revitalised track.

1949) is a British comics writer and editor who, along with John Wagner, revitalised British boys comics in the 1970s, and has remained a leading light in.

In 2007, the spirit of the journal was revitalised as an online blog.

the emerging Environmental Justice National Forum in the 1990s, it was revitalised in 2009 in opposition to President Thabo Mbeki's Pebble-Bed Modular Reactor.

The railway's old formation remained well preserved and has now been revitalised into a public walking and cycling track, the Little River Rail Trail.

In 1971, NZR revitalised the service as a tourist venture, later leasing the locomotives and rolling.

The town survived as a sleepy highway town, and during the 1990s was revitalised with the growth in regional tourism.

Some say family planning should be revitalised based on the 1967 program to avoid Indonesia becoming the world's third.

However, recent years have also seen a revitalised interest in Monaco’s authentic local recipes and its more traditional.

They were again revitalised under the directives of the Second Vatican Council.

In 2017, it was revitalised as an advisory board headed by the International Trade Secretary who.

the "Grosser Grasbrook" area of the former Hamburg free port is being revitalised with new hotels, shops, office buildings, and residential areas.

Ure revitalised the band and steered it to commercial chart success lasting until 1987.


revitalized; revived;


unrenewed; unanimated; unrevived;

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