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revitalising Meaning in Bengali



revitalising শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

technology and competitiveness, and for his leadership and vision in revitalizing the U.S. general aviation business jet and trainer jet aircraft industry ।

revitalising's Usage Examples:

Work has started on revitalising the language with a dictionary and TAFE course in Gathang.

He founded the Kerala Kalamandalam and is credited with revitalising the traditional Keralite dance form known as Kathakali.

neopaganism encompasses contemporary movements which have been reviving or revitalising the ethnic religions of the various peoples who speak Uralic languages.

After revitalising the side's 1933/34 promotion push, McCormick became a mainstay of the.

NOMA focuses on revitalising and opening the northern area of Manchester city centre which has not.

Highly acclaimed for revitalising the Yugoslavian mainstream pop music scene, which also influenced the.

Helens) brought rallying back to Aintree Circuit revitalising the circuit's use with new and innovative ideas.

Zealand Government announced that it would be investing NZ"20 million into revitalising Hillside Engineering as a major mechanical hub and engineering facility.

producer for Hammer Films who is credited along with Brian Lawrence for revitalising the film company following receivership in 1979.

owned a number of hotels, typically buying struggling businesses and revitalising them to sell at a profit.

Languages Institute) has been supporting the Ayapa community's efforts at revitalising their language.

solution to the city's traffic and air pollution problem, as well as revitalising many of the areas it serves.

transported to the US, where they were supposedly not known in the hope of revitalising their music career.


invigorating; restorative; reviving; renewing; revitalizing;


exhausting; enervating; unstimulating; unhealthful; debilitating;

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