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riotously Meaning in Bengali

riotously's Usage Examples:

This has left a rift in the landscape with a waterfall riotously cascading over and through it.

It is a group dance performed by men, carousing and singing riotously to the rhythmic beat of the chang instrument.

by HMS Hunter in November 1679 and tried with twenty of his crew for "riotously comporting themselves" as well as charges of looting the plantation of.

"Byron Rogers's lively and affectionate biography is unexpectedly, even riotously, funny.

dispersal of any group of more than twelve people who were "unlawfully, riotously, and tumultuously assembled together".

Time Magazine called it "a riotously funny and perceptive indictment of America's political system".

In the Act, the words "riotous" and "riotously" were to be construed in accordance with section 1 of the Public Order.

" Carl Hays in his review for Booklist said that "in a riotously twisting plot, complete with hypertunnels, alien shellfish from a parallel.

endeavor, on complaint made, to apprehend all felons, rioters, or persons riotously assembled; and that, if such persons flee or make resistance, the constable.

described the restaurant as "Portland's best Cuban food, with a trendy and riotously colorful atmosphere", while The New York Times noted, "Locals know that.

freed that Saturday night: Saturday last a considerable Number of People riotously assembled in King's County, and which their Faces black'd proceeded to.

tone of the narrator's voice lends a refreshing air of realism to this riotously paced quest tale of heroism that questions the realities of our world.

sections are relevant to prostitution: S2 – Punishment of persons behaving riotously or disorderly in the public streets.

" and BBC Wales Arts wrote, "this is a riotously funny film and Novello not for the first or last time on screen, operates.

was always portraying himself in his work, so that he must have been a riotously drunken and debauched character like the cast of Fredmans Epistles, is.

York dining, On the Town in New York (1998), called the restaurant a "riotously successful steakhouse".

in BBC drama Giri/Haji—a role The Independent called 'one of the most riotously funny turns since Richard E Grant stepped out as Withnail.

wrote: I have forgot much, Cynara! gone with the wind, Flung roses, roses riotously with the throng, Dancing, to put thy pale, lost lilies out of mind.



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