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rummage sale Meaning in Bengali


পড়ে থাকা হরেক মালের সেল,

rummage sale's Usage Examples:

K, Australia) or rummage sale (U.

annual band fund-raising rummage sale are stored in the school basement, which is directly above the Hellmouth.

The rummage sale begins, and the items on.

audience) track about Paul Revere that Abraham discovered on an acetate at a rummage sale.

moments include the boys losing their clothes and stealing more from a rummage sale that only has clothing for women, or Soup painting his name on a barn.

Jackson holds a traditional community wide rummage sale every year.

Commentators compared the draft to a rummage sale, with the Original Six losing only unnecessary if not unwanted players.

decided to add a flea market, allowing the region to have a collective rummage sale and encouraging the start of many small businesses in southeastern Florida.

Together they deceive an entire rummage sale, enlist the Scarlet Wimpernel to play a role, find the man in green satin.

On the way, he stops at a rummage sale and ends up buying some kittens.

Jumble sale, a variation on the term "rummage sale".

Fundraising continued during 1896, which included a rummage sale held at St John's parish room in April and an amateur drama performance.

than what he often wears, or as he said "an old broadcloth I found at a rummage sale in Scotland in 1902".

picking a running mate, planning a general-election race, holding a rummage sale".

Every year, Francis Creek hosts a Village-wide Rummage Sale where residents host individual rummage sales on the first weekend of.

 70,72) - 3 stars out of 5 - "The aural rummage sale brings some timely noise while proving D can still deliver lyrical knocks.

During this celebration, an all-city rummage sale is held, a Relay for Life fundraising event is held in conjunction with.

purchased the transmitter, an EMC Model TXRU-100 UHF transmitter, at a rummage sale from a church that had intended to start a UHF-TV station.

Gourmet Gathering! 8b "Rummage Sale" October 31, 1970 (1970-10-31) When the Goolies make a donation to the Riverdale High rummage sale, it causes problems.


jumble sale; sale; cut-rate sale; sales event;


orderliness; order; stand still; unclutter; empty;

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