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schlemiel Meaning in Bengali


schlemiel's Usage Examples:

Jewish humor, and so-called "schlemiel jokes" depict the schlemiel falling into unfortunate situations.

The inept schlemiel is often presented alongside.

" The Yiddish word schlemiel—borrowed from Hebrew shlumi'el—refers to a hopelessly incompetent person.

The following saying helps to tell them apart: a schlemiel is a man who spills.

is in many ways reminiscent of the schlemiel character often present in traditional Yiddish folklore.

The schlemiel is usually a comic character whose.

The difference between a schlemiel and a schlimazel is described through the aphorism, "The schlemiel spills his soup on the schlimazel.

Ron also describes Jerry as both the "schlemiel," and the "schlemazel," of the office, meaning that, at a fancy dinner.

[citation needed] Skulnik knew exactly what he was in comedy: "I play a schlemiel, a dope.

both Carla Johnson and Jon Stratton (in this volume), as the ultimate schlemiel.

"'Parks and Recreation' recap: Let's hear it for the schlemiel and schlemazel".

schlemiel's Meaning':



simpleton; simple; shlemiel;


compound; rough; difficult; simplicity;

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