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segregating Meaning in Bengali

 পৃথক্ করিয়া রাখা, নি:সঙ্গ করা,


নি:সঙ্গ করা, পৃথক্ করিয়া রাখা,

segregating's Usage Examples:

1872 Citlaltépetl's municipality is raised and in 1875 that of Tamalín, segregating both territories of Tantima's municipality.

published work "Engineering Cybernetics" was his basis of science in segregating the engineering concepts of Cybernetics from the theoretical understanding.

with regulatory proteins; each other in the activity of appropriately segregating replicated chromosomes.

Officially established as a district on October 29, 1874, segregating itself from the Carabayllo district.

diversity: the mean number of pairwise differences and the number of segregating sites, each scaled so that they are expected to be the same in a neutrally.

In biology, culling is the process of segregating organisms from a group according to desired or undesired characteristics.

Changes were made in 2005 segregating a lane on the M8 motorway almost as far as the Kingston Bridge, which.

However, APG II does allow the option of segregating this genus as family Didymelaceae, as an optional segregate.

are commonly used in web hosting services, where they are useful for segregating customer accounts, pooling resources and containing any potential security.

Because the number of segregating sites counted will increase with the number of sequences looked at, the.

exclusion, barring African Americans completely between 1922 and 1936, then segregating against them (by day) between 1936 and 1950.

This gene is genetically polymorphic, and three common alleles segregating at the corresponding locus give rise to six phenotypes.

By segregating an application into tiers, developers acquire the option of modifying.

or segregating into separate income streams for taxation purposes.

In asset protection arrangements, ring-fencing can be employed through segregating specific.

Circaeaster agrestis and Kingdonia uniflora, but allows the option of segregating the latter species as family Kingdoniaceae.

other sex-related issues such as raising the age of consent, sexually segregating prisons, opposing contraception, preventing "white slavery", and censoring.

However, APG II does allow the option of segregating the genus Illicium as the family Illiciaceae.


discriminate; single out; separate;


pessimist; religious person; agonist; desegregate;

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