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siestas Meaning in Bengali


মধ্যাহ্নকালীন নিদ্রা,

siestas's Usage Examples:

" Einhard's Life of Charlemagne describes the emperor's summertime siestas: "In summer, after his midday meal, he would eat some fruit and take another.

He put his success down to daily two-hour siestas between 12pm-2pm.

antisemitism", and Spain is "macho men and fiery women prone to regular siestas and fiestas".

Spanish fiesta is very noisy and tends to go on very late at night, so siestas are important in the afternoon, when it is extremely hot.

row boat, the other patients comment that they should return to their siestas because the story is over.

, so it is common tradition to take siestas and better to wake up early to get important stuff done before noon.

of Carlos's youth-with its lizards and turquoise seas and sun-drenched siestas- becomes an island of condemnation once a cigar-smoking guerrilla named.

for one's cultural heritage, propensity for extravagance, fiestas and siestas, as well as aristocratic behaviour.

Activities in the park range from relaxing walks, siestas to organised sports competition.

"Time's up for siestas, delayed meetings and late nights, Spaniards told in effort to make them.

Jon embraces the Spanish lifestyle by insisting on eating late, taking siestas and going out to party late into the morning.

groups is the Marching Fidels, a group dressed like Fidel Castro who take siestas along the parade route and conscript bystanders into the Cuban army, dressing.

Council of the American Academy of Pediatrics -- a couch on which he took siestas and did much of his thinking.

the Viola, Manyana the Guitar, a Spanish friend of Monty's who likes his siestas, the Spanish castanets, Captain Den the Pirate Drum and his two instrument.

"Spanish stereotypes: They love siestas".

4 hours (with a summer/winter difference of 1 hour), afternoon naps (siestas) are uncommon, and insomnia is very rare (tenfold less than in industrial.


forty winks; cat sleep; snooze; nap; short sleep; catnap;



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