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sombrely Meaning in Bengali

sombrely's Usage Examples:

They are relatively large, sombrely coloured spiders, that live in burrows with some kind of trapdoor.

Originally scored for baritone, men's chorus and orchestra, the piece begins sombrely with the soloist narrating the first part of the story.

light-heartedly explores some of the byways of adulterous passion, ending sombrely.

The female is more sombrely marked and is less easy to identify.

The three sombrely-painted figures inhabit a grey concrete bunker, lit by a bare bulb.

landlady is in it, and the feeling of our surroundings, perhaps a little more sombrely than the reality", and explained how the story originated: while being.

Del sombrely returns to their now empty flat in Nelson Mandela House, and quietly recalls.

Monthly, wrote that the film is "disposable and pretentious" and "is shot sombrely and austerely, in a style that might be described as 'vacuous chic'" and.

slowly strummed guitars and molasses-slow grooves, the baritone Roberts sombrely intones psalms of death, darkness and delivery, coming off like a cross.

are after him for personal reasons, and that Avon has betrayed him, he sombrely resigns to his fate and is shot to death by Omar and Mouzone.

6-16g), and more sombrely coloured, with varyingly prominent white streaking on varying shades of.

past my mind’s eye — such as my very first Governing Body meeting, when, sombrely robed, the fellows debated, hotly and with manifest ill will, whether the.

Grise Fiord, depicts a woman with a young boy and a husky, with the woman sombrely looking out towards Resolute Bay.

Contrasting light effects are equally the subject of Henri Harpignies's sombrely coloured drawing in the Musée Jean de La Fontaine and of the watercolour.

happy revelation, the episode ends on a bitter-sweet note, with Sherlock sombrely leaving the reception alone, upon realizing that his relationship with.

More sombrely, on 23 November 1963, a tribute to the assassinated President John F.

5 out of 10, commenting, “Shadows of the Sun begins sombrely and remains so throughout, employing more subtle coloration and impeccable.

clasped in my naked arms that perfect little body, so wild, so ardent, so sombrely lascivious? For a long time after Mohammed had left me, I remained in a.

Everyone in dark colors, everyone dressed sombrely.



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