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some Meaning in Bengali

 কিছু সংখ্যক, কিছু পরিমান


একটা-কোন, মোটামুটি, আংশিক, অল্পবিস্তর, অল্পপরিমাণ, জনৈক, এক-এক, একটা-কিছু, কতিপয়, কতেক, কেহ না কেহ, কেহ, কেহ-কেহ, একটু, অল্প-কিছু, বেশ কিছু, কিছু,


অনেকটি, কিয়ৎ পরিমাণে,


কতক, কতেক, কতিপয়, কেহ না কেহ, কেহ-কেহ, কেহ, কোনত্ত, কিছুটা, কয়েকজন, কয়েকটি,

some's Usage Examples:

Different styles or types of music may emphasize, de-emphasize or omit some of these elements.

The initialism, as well as some of its common variants, functions as an umbrella term for sexuality and gender.

The vast majority of species are active during the day as adults, with some calling at dawn or dusk.

Early in the Industrial Revolution, some mechanical devices were built to automate long tedious tasks, such as guiding.

Variations with fewer continents may merge some of these, for example some systems include Eurasia or America as single continents.

most mammals use their four extremities for terrestrial locomotion; but in some, the extremities are adapted for life at sea, in the air, in trees, underground.

Some bird species of aquatic environments, particularly seabirds and some waterbirds, have further evolved for swimming.

In some cultures, sexual activity is considered acceptable only within marriage, while premarital and extramarital sex are taboo.

Latin honors are Latin phrases used in some colleges and universities to indicate the level of distinction with which an academic degree has been earned.

In some cultures, a surname, family name, or last name is the portion of one's personal name that indicates their family, tribe or community.

coat, the capsid, which surrounds and protects the genetic material; and in some cases (iii) an outside envelope of lipids.

required in some positions outside academia, such as research jobs in major international agencies.

In some cases, the Executive Directors of some types of.


many; both; few; whatever; whatsoever; any; several;


fewer; all; no; many; few;

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