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spondee Meaning in Bengali

 ছন্দোবিশেষ, যে পদের দুইটি অক্ষরই দীর্ঘ

জোর নিষ্পেষিত সিলাবল সঙ্গে একটি ছন্দোময় ইউনিট


দুটি দীর্ঘ স্বরাংশ-সমন্বিত ছন্দপর্ব, সংবলিত পংক্তি,

spondee's Usage Examples:

A spondee (Latin: spondeus) is a metrical foot consisting of two long syllables, as determined by syllable weight in classical meters, or two stressed.

substitution of a spondee (two long syllables) in place of a dactyl in most positions.

Specifically, the first four feet can either be dactyls or spondees more or.

In local parlance, "Midland" is pronounced as a spondee, with nearly equal verbal emphasis on both first and last syllables.

and "u" a short syllable) is: "- u u - -" when the pattern ends with a spondee (i.

a spondee can be.

follow these rules: A foot can be made up of two long syllables (– –), a spondee; or a long and two short syllables, a dactyl (– υ υ).

The double stress on "White Chief" comes from the substitution of a spondee in place of the iamb, mirroring previous substitutions in the poem, rather.

the first verse (apart from the first foot of the third line, which is a spondee): It's four in / the morning, / the end of / December I'm writing / you.

The other feet can be varied with a spondee, dactyl, tribrach, or more rarely an anapaest.

accents Disyllables ˘ ˘ pyrrhic, dibrach ˘ ¯ iamb ¯ ˘ trochee, choree ¯ ¯ spondee Trisyllables ˘ ˘ ˘ tribrach ¯ ˘ ˘ dactyl ˘ ¯ ˘ amphibrach ˘ ˘ ¯ anapaest.

Thus, a spondee substitutes for a dactyl in the third line, but the lines end with dactyls (not spondees).

Tennyson used pyrrhics and spondees quite frequently, for example, in In Memoriam: When the blood creeps and.

six feet making up the line was either a dactyl (long-short-short) or a spondee (long-long): a "long syllable" was literally one that took longer to pronounce.

spondee's Meaning':

a metrical unit with stressed-stressed syllables


metrical foot; foot; metrical unit;


ride; subtract; head;

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