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spondees Meaning in Bengali

জোর নিষ্পেষিত সিলাবল সঙ্গে একটি ছন্দোময় ইউনিট


দুটি দীর্ঘ স্বরাংশ-সমন্বিত ছন্দপর্ব, সংবলিত পংক্তি,

spondees's Usage Examples:

Instead, spondees are found as irregular feet in meter based on another type of foot.

Diamonds") Spondaic tetrameter: Long sounds move slow Pyrrhic tetrameter (with spondees ["white breast" and "dim sea"]): And the white breast of the dim sea Amphibracic.

Specifically, the first four feet can either be dactyls or spondees more or less freely.

It consists of two halves, each consisting of two dactyls, for which spondees can be substituted in the first half only, followed by a longum.

rejected the Latinate and courtly iamb in favour of bludgeoning trochees and spondees.

Venit and iram at the ends of lines 2 and 4 count as spondees by brevis in longo, despite their naturally short second syllables.

Tennyson used pyrrhics and spondees quite frequently, for example, in In Memoriam: When the blood creeps and.

substitutes for a dactyl in the third line, but the lines end with dactyls (not spondees).

following three iambic feet maintain the pace of the procession; and the spondees on `that eye' and `white lid' substantiate the reflective consideration.

the use of spondees in lines 31–34 creates a feeling of slow flight, and "in the final stanza .

the distinctive use of scattered spondees, together.

The first four feet are dactyls (daa-duh-duh), but can be spondees (daa-daa).

(or Archilochian heptameter) consists of four dactyls (or alternatively spondees) followed after a caesura by three trochees, producing the seven-foot scheme.

in that its long lines invite the use of variably placed caesuras and spondees to achieve metrical variety, in place of a fixed pattern of iambs and line.

lines he uses strongly-stressed offbeats (which can be interpreted as spondees) in the third foot to slow down the rhythm as he lists monosyllabic verbs.

language can be closely compared to Virgilian usage, especially his use of spondees.

where "multillet " comprises three long syllables, or one and a half spondees.

Judith Farr writes that the opening spondees makes the poem theatrical, turbulent, and stormy, appropriate for the subject.

pedum regulis, didactive treatise on metrical feet, such as iambs and spondees.

example, the poem's insistent iambic pentameter is often interrupted by spondees (metrical feet that consist of two long syllables); such laboured language.

six feet, known as dactyls (– u u) and spondees (– –).

In this opening passage of the Iliad, dactyls and spondees are equally common, although overall in.

spondees's Meaning':

a metrical unit with stressed-stressed syllables


metrical foot; foot; metrical unit;


ride; subtract; head;

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