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stepladders Meaning in Bengali

একটি ভাঁজ পোর্টেবল মই উপরের hinged



stepladders's Usage Examples:

renowned for inadvertently acting as stepladders.

Some players have achieved fame for their role as stepladders of famous marks, such as Graeme "Jerker".

Although stepladders had been in use for many years before 1862, his primary contribution.

standing position or from exposed positions such as those on ladders or stepladders.

Giving speeches from stepladders on 125th Street, he declared himself the only man who could stop the.

certification classes apply solely to ladders that are portable such as stepladders and extension ladders and are broken down into three types of certification.

leveling camera dolly track, or to provide temporary seats, workbenches, or stepladders.

He requests two weighted stepladders and a weighted plank.

Kirk Christiansen began producing utility items such as ironing boards, stepladders and miniature toys.

focused on the production of household essentials, such as ironing boards, stepladders and small wooden toys.

provided at the most steep and vertical stretches, including ladders, stepladders, chains and metal steps.

duration": To clarify the situation HSE is not attempting to ban ladders or stepladders, but ladders should not be the automatic first choice of access.

(SriLankan Airlines) personnel had prevented a timely dispatch of the stepladders to the aircraft to deplane the passengers in a timely manner, which resulted.

It was these miniature models of stepladders and ironing boards that inspired him to begin producing toys.

Visitors brought along placards, stepladders and soap boxes in order to stand out from others, while heckling of speakers.

who would wait for wealthy visitors near the cave armed with tools, stepladders and templates.

using rope, PVC pipe, a plank, string, a telescopic device and two stepladders.

" Richard Ellis (2003) Communication skills: stepladders to success for the professional, Intellect Books, ISBN 1841500879, p.

steaming-kettles mounted on roller-skates, rotating dustbin bags, rickety stepladders set in motion, buckets, tyres, bottles and planks.

end of the season, which was in the same format as the regular season stepladders.

stepladders's Meaning':

a folding portable ladder hinged at the top

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