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steradian Meaning in Bengali

কঠিন কোণের ইউনিট Systeme আন্তর্জাতিক d'Unites অধীনে গৃহীত

steradian's Usage Examples:

The steradian (symbol: sr) or square radian is the SI unit of solid angle.

radiant intensity is the watt per steradian (W/sr), while that of spectral intensity in frequency is the watt per steradian per hertz (W·sr−1·Hz−1) and that.

radiance is the watt per steradian per square metre (W·sr−1·m−2), while that of spectral radiance in frequency is the watt per steradian per square metre per.

which includes two dimensionless derived units, the radian (rad) and the steradian (sr).

quantity measured in watts per steradian (W/sr) Luminous intensity, a photometric quantity measured in lumens per steradian (lm/sr), or candela (cd) Irradiance.

Φe,λ watt per metre W/m M⋅L⋅T−3 Radiant intensity Ie,Ω watt per steradian W/sr M⋅L2⋅T−3 Radiant flux emitted, reflected, transmitted or received.

that emits one candela of luminous intensity over a solid angle of one steradian.

The lumen is defined as amount of light given into one steradian by a point source of one candela strength; while the candela, a base SI.

1 steradian beam, then the beam would have a luminous intensity of 1 candela.

If the optics were changed to concentrate the beam into 1/2 steradian then.

F-35's airframe in such a way as to provide unobstructed spherical (4π steradian) coverage and functions around the aircraft without any pilot input or.

solid angle is expressed in a dimensionless unit called a steradian (symbol: sr).

One steradian corresponds to one unit of area on the unit sphere surrounding.

per steradian per square centimeter of surface per micrometer of span in wavelength (W·sr−1·cm−2·μm−1).

This is equivalent to 1010 watts per steradian per.

steradian's Meaning':

the unit of solid angle adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites


sphere; sr; angular unit;


antapex; nadir; zenith; natural object;

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