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subdivides Meaning in Bengali


আরও বা পুনরায় বিভক্ত করা বা হওয়া,

subdivides's Usage Examples:

Systems are unrelated to lithostratigraphy, which subdivides rock layers on their lithology.

The iliopectineal arch thus forms a septum which subdivides the space deep to the inguinal ligament into a lateral muscular lacuna.

the infratemporal surface and, passing forward, ends in a canal which subdivides into two branches.

The Pobrežje District subdivides into North Pobrežje (Slovene: Pobrežje-sever), East Pobrežje (Slovene:.

The scheme subdivides the continent into Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, and.

After fertilization, the alga's carpogonium subdivides into carpospores, and generally the largest type of spore (larger than.

The List of theatres and campaigns of World War II subdivides military operations of World War II and contemporary wars by war, then by theater and then.

The Nepalese rupee subdivides into one hundred paisa (singular and plural) or four Sukaas.

SMI subdivides into three parts: module definitions, object definitions, and notification.

representation of a process can be done in another data-flow diagram, which subdivides this process into sub-processes.

Association's DSM-5 or the World Health Organization's ICD-10, neither of which subdivides autism based on intellectual capabilities.

Modular design, or modularity in design, is a design principle that subdivides a system into smaller parts called modules (such as modular process skids).

Sudan further subdivides its call signs thus (with possible changes due to the 2011 independence.

bacteria class has the following description: The class Thermomicrobia subdivides into two orders with validly published names: Thermomicrobiales Garrity.

attracted much attention from tuning theorists, since on the one hand it subdivides the standard 12 equal temperament and on the other hand it accurately.

An alternative analysis of economies, the three-sector theory, subdivides them into: the primary sector (producing raw materials) the secondary.

Where it subdivides into further branches, these are known as rachilla (plural rachillae).

corporation that manages the Turkish railway system, Turkish State Railways, subdivides the history into the Pre-Republic period (Ottoman period), the Republic.

hand, that subdivides the note in two.

RR or LL A double slash indicates two diddles, or two double strokes from each hand, that subdivides the note in.

The San Francisco Bay Area naturally subdivides the province into the North Coast Ranges and South Coast Ranges.


divide; part; separate;


dependent; same; common; associate;

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