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subtext Meaning in Bengali

subtext's Usage Examples:

incredibly self-obsessed, as shown in a second-series episode when a 'subtext detector' shows that the only thing she ever really means when talking.

Chaskin, who he says claimed the subtext arose from how Patton played the part.

"I love when [he] uses the word 'subtext,'" he complained.

intent, and may be so applied to any random or surreal sentence, coercive subtext, or anything jarringly out of context, intentional or not.

This version accentuates the gay subtext of Wilde's novel more than other versions; e.

other words, their lines are full of what is known in dramatic practice as subtext.

The novel, like much of Anderson's work, has a libertarian subtext as the colonists flee the oppression on their home planet.

By this I mean subtext and grace and counterpoint of characters (and performances) that comes.

The episode also contains a lesbian subtext stronger than the average episode of Xena.

be applied to early novels which merely contain homosexual allusions or subtext, such as Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray.

relationship between Xena and Gabrielle is referred to as "lesbian subtext" or simply "subtext" by fans.

find his spurs and money have been stolen by the mysterious woman; the subtext of which being they experienced intercourse and as payment she took his.

In this episode, Randy Marsh discovers that Broadway musicals contain subtext that encourage women to give their partners oral sex, while Shelly starts.

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